Exellent work ! Your voice really fits to the character good work ^^
Smooth and creamy goodness surrounded by a delicate sugar shell. I also do voices. @tempesttossed - follow at your own risk.
Age 43, Female
High-minded, low pay
New York
Joined on 8/23/09
Exellent work ! Your voice really fits to the character good work ^^
Thank you very much! I've never really done a voice like that before, so it's definitely been a learning experience.
I wouldn't have recognized you if you hadn't mentioned it was you. Very cute and bubbly!
Haha, thanks! (and welcome to Newgrounds!)
I finally got around to seeing this (I know I know, it took me a dog's age :( hah...see what I did..there? Cough)
Anywhoo, great job with that new voice! It was adorable and endearing! You all did a great job this episode! :)
Can't wait to see more!
N'aww... *gives Shocky all the hugs*
awesome work!
Aw, thanks!