I was going to post about the awesomeness of Dust: An Elysian Tail, and what a great job Mac and so many NG people did, and how amazing it was to be a small part of it, but I can't really add anything to what many other people have said.
Smooth and creamy goodness surrounded by a delicate sugar shell. I also do voices. @tempesttossed - follow at your own risk.
Age 43, Female
High-minded, low pay
New York
Joined on 8/23/09
Posted by dellaciel - August 22nd, 2012
I was going to post about the awesomeness of Dust: An Elysian Tail, and what a great job Mac and so many NG people did, and how amazing it was to be a small part of it, but I can't really add anything to what many other people have said.
Posted by dellaciel - February 13th, 2012
A little late in mentioning it, but Ace Pilot: Infinity Drifter was released this weekend.
Consider giving it a whirl if you haven't yet. Everyone put a lot of heart and effort in and it really shows, and as a plus, the dev team is continually listening to comments and making improvements to gameplay. Better and better, yo- and there's more to come.
Also, it's just so gosh darn purdy.
**Edit:** You know what might help? A link. Here's one.
Posted by dellaciel - October 17th, 2011
...are in the newly released episode 2 of Wonders of the Universe.
--->Episode 2 Click Here Yes<---
Please watch, rate, and enjoy ^_^ (smiley face)
(art by Legendary Frog)
Also, zero-bombing? Boo.
Posted by dellaciel - March 11th, 2011
At least, that's what it looks like from some of my most recent projects.
The *most* recent is a space-based series from the guys that made "Legend of the Black Book" (collectively known as Toonwerks). They have a lot of fun ideas and I'm working with some fantastic people, so it's quite exciting. I won't say any more until they do, though. Sorry.
Aaaand.... Ace Pilot. When your lead artist/animator/quite a few things gets the plague, stuff gets put on hold. Apparently AlmightyHans stared pneumonia in the face and then kicked it in the testicles when it wasn't looking, however, so things are looking up. When will it be done? *shrug* Probably in a while. Don't ask hard questions. (There is a preview of the gameplay here, though.)
What else? Well, I'm working with a Star Trek/general parody audio series, but since that's not Newgrounds-based I'm sure it matters even less than the other two (and that's saying something).
Anywho, there's some wine with my name on it (almost literally, damn roommates), so after a whole bunch of nothing...I'm off. Have a great weekend, y'all.
Posted by dellaciel - January 6th, 2011
...is "s" in morse code.
Yesterday: My birthday. Tacos and beer. I swear I'm not a dude.
Tonight: Spider-Man- the Bruise-sical.. I mean "Turn Off The Dark" (no, I don't). I hope nothing goes *too* horribly awry.
Coming up: Ace Pilot. Like a woman I once knew. It involves ray guns. And singing.
And check out the marvelous D-Mac's *already* epic reading of "Dot Dot Dot" made even more so by Mr. RicePirate. It's astounding.
Posted by dellaciel - December 20th, 2010
Not one, but TWO serious sounding, briefly heard, quasi-british characters:
Edd Egg -Mistletoe & Mine - news reporter
The Edd Egg Christmas Episode. Silly fun. Many thanks to Edd for letting me play!
Safehouse - police dispatcher
An independent short film being produced in the UK. About a quarter of my lines can be heard on the website :p
Now, if only I could do more than one *kind* of British accent... (well, I have a second one, but it's even more broad and unspecific than this one ^_^)
Ah, well. Fun, anyway. Happy Solstice Eve!
Posted by dellaciel - May 10th, 2010
So, two of the biggest projects I've been involved with to date were released within 24 hours of each other. The number of times these things have been watched/downloaded may seem small to some, but it just blows me away. Even more than that, though, is the *quality*. Somehow, I really got lucky. I feel like I'm being pulled along on the coattails of some really awesome people. :grin:
- Eternally Us
A freeware adventure game by Calin Leafshade (Steven Poulton) and Ben304 (Ben Chandler), it's part game, part interactive story, and all beautiful (art, music, sound effects, you name it). It's a bit sad, but it also only takes about a half hour to finish.
Features: Hnilmik, Omahdon, Lucien Dodge, and ShonenAiGuy
Definitely worth downloading to play (here), or even just watching the walkthrough (here).
- Pico's Brother
RedHarvest's entry for Pico Day 2010, the movie tells epic tale of one NG character's origin. He's said that it's the hardest he's worked on a flash, and it really shows. Fantastic production values.
Features: Oney, LetoVox, Shock-Dingo, an easter egg by Syringes, and the epic musical stylings of Ockeroid (who also did all the music for Rick Mann vs Boss Man... which I love).
Check it out here.
So yeah. I guess that's it. I'm a bit overwhelmed.
'til next time!
Posted by dellaciel - January 20th, 2010
Like retro-type point-and-click adventure games?
Then may I suggest The McCarthy Chronicles: Episode 1.
A creepy, film noir-esque supernatural detective story that's been getting a bit of indie-game buzz.
Fully voiced, featuring the talents of Calin Leafshade, Azure, Immortal Alucard, Muffeevee, Omahdon, and dellaciel.
Also: FREE
Posted by dellaciel - November 2nd, 2009
I'm starting to do a little VA work, so I got an account.
One day, if it wishes hard enough, there might be some actual information here. (Ok. Probably by Thanksgiving.)
If you need voice talent, check out the VAA and the VAC. Generally groovy people all around.
And the picture of the iron is by Natalie Dee.