So, two of the biggest projects I've been involved with to date were released within 24 hours of each other. The number of times these things have been watched/downloaded may seem small to some, but it just blows me away. Even more than that, though, is the *quality*. Somehow, I really got lucky. I feel like I'm being pulled along on the coattails of some really awesome people. :grin:
- Eternally Us
A freeware adventure game by Calin Leafshade (Steven Poulton) and Ben304 (Ben Chandler), it's part game, part interactive story, and all beautiful (art, music, sound effects, you name it). It's a bit sad, but it also only takes about a half hour to finish.
Features: Hnilmik, Omahdon, Lucien Dodge, and ShonenAiGuy
Definitely worth downloading to play (here), or even just watching the walkthrough (here).
- Pico's Brother
RedHarvest's entry for Pico Day 2010, the movie tells epic tale of one NG character's origin. He's said that it's the hardest he's worked on a flash, and it really shows. Fantastic production values.
Features: Oney, LetoVox, Shock-Dingo, an easter egg by Syringes, and the epic musical stylings of Ockeroid (who also did all the music for Rick Mann vs Boss Man... which I love).
Check it out here.
So yeah. I guess that's it. I'm a bit overwhelmed.
'til next time!